How to Overcome Unbelief – Part 8
How to Overcome Unbelief Part 8
When people are walking on unbelief, they are showing rejection of all that God is. Elohim shows Himself in all things, and unbelief is deciding that Elohim is nothing by treating Him with contempt, and taking His word and perverting it to immoral values and impurity.
Romans 1:20-23 “For ever since the creation of the universe his invisible qualities — both his eternal power and his divine nature — have been clearly seen, because they can be understood from what he has made. Therefore, they have no excuse; 21 because, although they know who God is, they do not glorify him as God or thank him. On the contrary, they have become futile in their thinking; and their undiscerning hearts have become darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they have become fools! 23 In fact, they have exchanged the glory of the immortal God for mere images, like a mortal human being, or like birds, animals or reptiles!” CJB
There was a man that asked Yeshua how many times to forgive, then Yeshua told him:
Matthew 18:22 “No, not seven times,” answered Yeshua, “but seventy times seven!” CJB
Meaning all the time. Elohim is forgiving. If you are walking in unbelief, Yeshua is faithful to forgive you if you repent and ask for forgiveness. Sometimes, a person may think that what they have done is so terrible that there is no forgiveness for them, but unbelief can be demolished by:
14: Forgiveness
Ask Elohim to forgive you today.
Acts 2:38 “Kefa answered them, “Turn from sin, return to God, and each of you be immersed on the authority of Yeshua the Messiah into forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Ruach HaKodesh! “ CJB
Today is the day to win the victory of unbelief. Yeshua said:
John 5:24 “es, indeed! I tell you that whoever hears what I am saying and trusts the One who sent me has eternal life — that is, he will not come up for judgment but has already crossed over from death to life!” CJB