Coronavirus / Mishpacha / Family
As much of you know the Corona Virus is a global epidemic. In times like this because of the restrictions, and guidelines measures and recommendations, each country and cities within each country are taking precautionary actions, it is natural to isolate and withdraw each to his own; however, as believers we must know that we serve a God that has given each one of us the authority:
“19 Remember, I have given you authority; so, you can trample down snakes and scorpions, indeed, all the Enemy’s forces; and you will remain completely unharmed.” CJB Luke 10:19.
As believers, we need to used precaution and common sense but at the same time, we must not fear this pestilence and know that we serve a God that has defeated all the plagues of Egypt and any other plague and pestilence. While practicing social distance, this is not a time to hide in your fear and we should not be afraid to come together, help each other and trust that the blood of Yeshua has defeated all things.
Remembering these two bible verses can help decrease tension and anxiety:
Psalms 91:10-11 “No disaster will happen to you; no calamity will come near your tent; 11 for he will order his angels to care for you and guard you wherever you go.” CJB
Psalms 55:22 Unload your burden on Adonai, and he will sustain you. He will never permit the righteous to be moved.” CJB
We know that through any kind of calamity, God will help us and sustain us because He is a Father that does not lie and takes good care of His children. Since we know that He will take good care of us; we must let our voices be heard by using caution and God’s word to reach those that are yet to come to Him. So, as believers, let’s follow the guidelines but also know that we have the authority to trample down the enemy’s forces and bring hope to a world that is looking for answers.
Wash your hands and be safe.
May Yeshua continue to give you Shalom and let’s give him thanks and all the glory.