How To Overcome Unbelief – Part 1
How to overcome unbelief Part 1
Exodus 3:14 “ God said to Moshe, “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [I am/will be what I am/will be],” and added, “Here is what to say to the people of Isra’el: ‘Ehyeh [I Am or I Will Be] has sent me to you.’” CJB
Unbelief is the lack of trust and the lack of faith. In the case of Yeshua, it is the lack of believe in the truth. The lack of knowledge or being ignorant of God. Lack of wisdom that comes from the word of Elohim. Unbelief is defiance and a rebellion attitude toward Elohim. Unbelief is a person that says that there is no God and rejecting Yeshua. (1 Corinthians 15:34, psalms 14:1,)
Some things to do:
1: Exercise Authority
Yeshua tells us in
Luke 10:19 “ Remember, I have given you authority; so you can trample down snakes and scorpions, indeed, all the Enemy’s forces; and you will remain completely unharmed.” CJB
– Hannah had a serious thing happening in her life; she wanted to desperately have a baby so what did she do?
2: Prayer
She prayed persistently:
1 Samuel 1:10 “In deep depression she prayed to Adonai and cried.” CJB
Matthew 17:20 “ He said to them, “Because you have such little trust! Yes! I tell you that if you have trust as tiny as a mustard seed, you will be able to say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there!’ and it will move; indeed, nothing will be impossible for you!” CJB