Things People Did – Part 8
Things People Did – Part 8
The Anointing Perfume That Matters
John 12:1-3 “Six days before Passover, Yeshua came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Yeshua had raised from the dead. 2 So they prepared a dinner there for Yeshua. Martha was serving, and Lazarus was one of those reclining at the table with Him. 3 Then Miriam took a pound of very expensive oil of pure nard and anointed Yeshua’s feet, and she wiped His feet dry with her hair. Now the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.” TLV
Before the action of Miriam, Lazarus was brought back from the dead. They were there honoring Yeshua and praising Him with thanks and adoration.
Miriam poured out the entire perfume, all of it. None was left or kept. This is how it is with Yeshua and us. He gave all of Him. He kept nothing back. His entire being was put to death at the stake. Complete one hundred percent anointing love poured out for us. His anointing fragrance of Love is continuously, moving, filling us with the gifts from the Ruach Hachodesh. The whole house was filled with the fragrance. The same is with us; when we accept Yeshua in our lives; we have all of His forgiveness and love. When we choose to walk in His ways and follow Him all the days of our lives; His fragrance last for eternity.
The joy, the love, the wisdom, the understanding, the righteousness, grace, compassion, and everything that encompasses and goes under love fills our houses made out of flesh to houses made in the spirit that will forever praise Him.
Miriam’s joy was a revelation that nothing in this world will last, and nothing in this world can steal the joy of having Yeshua as our friend, and He fills our cup overflowing.
Have Yeshua in your life today.