Things People Said – Part 8
Things People Said - Part 8
Titus 2:14 “He gave himself up on our behalf in order to free us from all violation of Torah and purify for himself a people who would be his own, eager to do good.” CJB
Myriam, Yeshua’s mother said:
Luke 2:48 “Son! Why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been terribly worried looking for you!” CJB
Yeshua’s family have gone to Jerusalem for Passover and on their return, they didn’t know that Yeshua was not in the caravan with them. They rushed back only to find Him seating with the rabbis, listening, questioning and responding, every one who heard Him were amazed. Yeshua’s parents found Him on the third day and He said to them:
“Why did you have to look for me? Didn’t you know that I had to be concerning myself with my Father’s affairs?”
Myriam and Joseph spent three whole days looking for Yeshua everywhere, it did not occur to them that He would be in the temple. Yeshua’s mind was on the things of Elohim, His mind was on bringing revelation and salvation.
His parents had to keep a close watch on Yeshua; they did not understand everything that was happening; they were worried as any parent would be.
As parents, we need to pay close attention to our children and the things that they are saying and doing, then we can pray for them and guide them on the way of the word in Yeshua the Messiah.
Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he [should] go; and, even when old, he will not swerve from it.” CJB