Things You Will Not Find In Heaven – Part 14 – Liars

Things you will not find in Heaven - Part 14 - Liars
One of the most grievous things that is going rampant around the world is lying.
Lying is the opposite of the truth. It is a false word about something or someone.
Repeating things others say could also be lying, especially if their information is false.
Proverbs 12:22 tells us that “Lying lips are detestable to ADONAI,”
Have you noticed that when Adam and Eve accepted the lie of the evil serpent; they themselves became liars?
Lying is a pandemic of deception, confusion, anger, hatred, destruction, and suffering.
When a person lies; most likely they will lie to cover up that lie. Their lies are destroying their lives and the lives of people around them.
People that are liars are deceived with lies and they go on lying.
Reasons people lie are because they are: fearful, offended, want to hurt others, are deceived, are swindlers, cheat, thieves, and are selfish.
Elohim said that liars will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Proverbs 19:9 “A false witness will not go unpunished, and one who breathes lies will perish.”
Did you notice that Yeshua already knew that Peter was going to lie because of fear?
Peter lied three times but thank be to God; Yeshua forgave Peter.
He can also forgive you if you are engaging in lies.
What to do?
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. 1 Peter 3:10.
Repent. Confess your sin and He is faithful to forgive you. 1 John 1:9.